14513 N Nebraska Ave. STE. 119
Tampa, FL 33613
813.679.0556 813.961.0223
Immediate Computer Repair offier full virus removal
and computer virus scan services.
Almost nothing ruins your day then realizing your beloved
has a virus. When something you rely on for work or that you
use to unwind, no longer operates the way it should, it can be a
frustrating experience. Don’t wait any longer then you need to
when your PC stops working, give us a calll so that we can
diagnose and repair your issues.
Keeping yourself safe in this digital age is important.
Everyday more and more viruses are created and find their way into the systems of
others. Many viruses perform malicious activities in your computer without you even
knowing they’re there. We offer an array of virus scanning services to ensure you have your
computer work as smoothly as possible.